This quick oatmeal-banana blender pancakes recipe is the answer to your pancakes cravings when you have no time in the morning. Gluten and dairy free, they can also be refined sugar-free if desired.
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Nothing fancy today, but something quick, that anyone can prepare with very little equipment or cooking skills. I know how it is ; we usually love the idea of making a recipe but while drooling in front of the recipe picture, we often give up even before reading the recipe. You might think here that things are a little different for me as I am a food blogger, and they are indeed, but still I happen to have these moments I just wish I had the recipe in front of me, in real life, with no effort added.
And while virtual reality still doesn’t bring food to our plate by just seeing it, today’s recipe is not that far. Well ok, you still need to stand up from your computer and go to the kitchen, but you will then whip up the recipe with so little effort that it is just enough to deserve your pancakes a few minutes later. On top of that, the recipe involves ingredients we usually have at home all the time, so nothing can stop you making it.
This is not my first pancakes recipe on the blog, and I like to come up with new ideas: there are the classic ones (#1 recipe on the blog for many months, and #1 in UK among my readers), the protein ones with 3 ingredients, and also some fancy ones that are made for special days (usually weekends) as they require a little bit more time to prepare but are still so worth it!
A few other pancakes recipes you should try:
- Easy Fluffy American Pancakes
- Ultra Moist Lemon-Ricotta Pancakes
- Fluffy Greek Yogurt Blueberry Pancakes
- Lemon Poppy Seed Pancakes
- Vegan Pink Beet Pancakes
- 3 Ingredient Protein Pancakes
- Easy Fluffy Banana Pancakes
And for everyday breakfast, I whipped up for you a super easy one, made with banana, oats, and egg. The rest is optional (cinnamon, honey) but will add to the taste. Then the magic part here is the use of a blender. There is no need to mash your bananas with a fork, the blender will do it for you, as well as it will mix the remaining ingredients. I usually like to add the oats first and mix them alone to be sure they get this sandy texture, before adding the remaining ingredients and mix until you get a smooth texture (do not overmix either).
Note that the recipe doesn’t call for any dairy product, which makes the pancakes suitable for lactose intolerant people. Also, I use gluten-free oats and no flour at all, neither do I use baking powder. I did a test with baking powder though, but I didn’t find it relevant for this recipe. Here I wanted to focus on the subtle banana taste with a gentle texture, with the idea that the pancakes don’t leave us with a heavy feeling in the stomach after breakfast. This is more a weekday recipe that will keep you full of energy instead of calling you for a nap like some pancakes recipes do to me.
I also used one egg, that is the binding ingredient in the recipe. You could make a vegan egg if you’d like instead, by combining three tablespoons of water and one tablespoon of ground flaxseed (or chia seeds) that you let sit for about 5 minutes before using in the recipe. If you do so, you need to be aware that your pancakes will be high in fiber, which can be great for your gut, but will definitely change the recipe from the original.
Then comes the part about sugar – or how much you should or should not sweeten your pancakes. The use of ripe bananas in this recipe will naturally sweeten your pancakes, which is why you don’t necessarily need much sugar. I used only one teaspoon of honey (that you could replace with maple syrup or agave syrup), which is enough to my own personal taste. But there is no rule here, and if you like your pancakes sweet, you can add more. Just keep in mind that we usually arose pancakes with maple syrup afterwards, so you can always adjust the sweet taste later. Serve while still warm, and top with whatever you fancy: banana slices, blueberries, almonds, grated coconut… And good morning!
Quick Oatmeal-Banana Blender Pancakes (Gluten Free, Dairy Free)
- Prep Time: 5 mins
- Cook Time: 10 mins
- Total Time: 15 mins
- Yield: 6-8 pancakes 1x
- Category: Breakfast
- Cuisine: Gluten free
This quick oatmeal-banana blender pancakes recipe is the answer to your pancakes cravings when you have no time in the morning. Gluten and dairy free, they can also be refined sugar-free if desired.
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- 1 cup (90g) gluten-free old-fashioned rolled oats
- 2 large ripe bananas, sliced
- 1 large egg
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 Tablespoon honey
- vegetable oil, neutral in taste (for cooking)
- Place rolled oats in a blender and mix until you get a sandy texture.
- Add bananas, egg, cinnamon and honey, and mix until smooth.
- Add vegetable oil to a pan or skillet over medium heat.
- Pour in about a 1/4 a cup of batter per pancake and cook until just set on top and golden underneath. Flip over and cook for one more minute. Repeat with the remaining batter until all pancakes are ready.
- Top with more banana, maple syrup, nuts or desired toppings and serve immediately.
Did you make this recipe?
Lastly, if you make this Quick Oatmeal-Banana Blender Pancakes (Gluten Free, Dairy Free), be sure to leave a comment and give this recipe a rating, letting me know how you liked it. And of course, don’t forget to tag me on Instagram! Thank you and enjoy!
toute la famille a adoré
Delphine Fortin
Super ! Mrci beaucoup pour ce retour 🙂 Del
Bonjour, je peux preparer ma pate en avance et les faire cuire 2/3h plus tard ?
Delphine Fortin
Bonjour Steph ! Oui il est tout à fait possible d’attendre quelques heures, mais pas plus. Mon conseil : bien remuer la pâte une dernière fois avant de réaliser les pancakes. J’espère que vous vous régalerez bien 🙂 Del
Best pancakes I’ve ever had.
Recette testée et approuvée !
A notre gout, les pancakes sont bien sucrés avec les bananes et la cuillère à café de miel, pas besoin de rajouter sirop d’érable ou autres, c’est parfait !
Merci du partage
Delphine Fortin
Bonjour Marylor! Ravie d’apprendre cela. En effet, les pancakes se suffisent à eux mêmes, avec juste un peu de sirop d’érable 🙂
Bonjour! puis-je partager cette page sur mon compte yoga? avec le lien évidemment
Delphine Fortin
Bonjour Galina! Oui, tu peux parfaitement partager le lien et l’image de la recette sur ta page Facebook, l’un et/ou l’autre renvoyant vers le site bien entendu. Bien à toi. Del
Une catastrophe. Pourtant j’ai bien tout suivi à la lettre. Impossible de retourner le Pancake qui était tout raplapla.
Delphine Fortin
Bonjour! Oh je suis vraiment désolée d’apprendre cela. Peut être que le souci vient de la cuisson sur gaz ou plaque qui peut parfois faire la différence. J’essaie en général de cuire à feu doux pour le premier pancake et attends suffisamment longtemps pour être sûr qu’il est bien cuit avant de le retourner. Important aussi de réaliser le pancake assez compact pour qu’il soit plus épais et facile à retourner. Si vous n’avez pas envie de retenter l’expérience, testez mes pancakes américains faciles et très moelleux. Une recette inratable à aucun moment, qui est réalisée par des milliers de lecteurs chaque jour: Encore désolée pour cette mauvaise expérience qui j’espère ne vous découragera pas de faire d’autres pancakes! Del
recette testee ce matin. on a ADORÉ
Delphine Fortin
Oh super, j’en suis ravie. Merci beaucoup Sophie pour ton retour !
Super recette ! J’ai remplacé les flocons d’avoines par un mélange de 100g de farine de riz et de sarrasin et c’était parfait 🙂
Delphine Fortin
Je suis ravie de l’apprendre ! Merci pour ton retour 🙂
Il se trouve que je n’ai pas de blender. Je peux le faire au fouet ? avec des flocons d’avoined non mixé ?
Delphine Fortin
Hmmm… oui je pense que cela peut fonctionner, mais niveau texture ce sera peut être un peu différent et plus difficile/délicat à s’agglomérer. N’hésitez pas à me tenir informée des résultats si vous testez.
Hélène S.
Très envie de tester 🙂
Delphine Fortin
Une recette toute simple, tu verras !
Je fais parfois des pancakes à la banane mais je n’ai jamais fait avec des flocons d’avoine, à tester!
Delphine Fortin
Bonne idée Céline. On a là la recette la plus simple du monde en plus, faîte au blender.
Si vous me trouvez des flocons d’avoine AVEC gluten, je suis preneur…….. Bonne journee
Delphine Fortin
Ce sera facile, la plupart des flocons d’avoine ont du gluten 😉
Super recette pour moi ! Je vais la tester bisou ma Delphine
Delphine Fortin
J’espère qu’elle te plaira! Bises
Comme ils me font envie ces pancakes !
Delphine Fortin
Merci beaucoup ma belle! 🙂