This weekend, go for a long walk in the woods, enjoy the beauty of Fall and its amazing red-orange colors, and make some S’mores on a campfire!


This takes me back to my recent vacation in the Southwest, hiking and camping in several US national parks in Utah and Arizona: Zion, Bryce, Grand Canyon, and also Antelope Canyon and Monument Valley. If you have read my article My life as a Foodie in Chicago (episode 2), you have probably even seen a few pictures of my trip, and a S’mores picture!

It was actually my very first experience camping in the US, and also the very first time David and I camped together. We are so used to comfort nowadays that we figured a trip into the wild would be fun and more challenging, while helping us to focus on the simple things in life. We just loved it. Our best vacation for quite a while!


I won’t deny it, camping is not the most glamorous thing on Earth. But at the same time it helps you relax while adapting your body and your mind to the rhythm of nature: getting up early as soon as the sun rises, spotting wild animals right by your tent (quite scary sometimes!), embracing nature fully while hiking, and cooking simple things on a wood fire!

The simple thing of lighting up a wood fire when the sun is approaching sunset has something magical. I could stay hours just staring at this vibrant fire, warming up my hands above it and letting my mind dream away… Such an appeasing feeling!


But you know, you have to eat too! The thing is, I always wanted to make myself some proper American S’mores on a campfire – you know, living the dream! So let’s put aside our healthy habits for a moment and allow ourselves to be kids again, enjoying the pure pleasure of chocolate and marshmallows. It is not very common to make S’mores in France, but I do remember that instead we used to make bananas with chocolate wrapped in foil on top of a campfire. Still very good!

So, this time, as we were camping for the first time in the US, I had to make myself some S’mores. When I shared my idea with David, he looked at me as if I was still not a grown-up yet. I didn’t care at all, nothing or no one could prevent me from proceeding with my little project! So two days only after having pitched our tent in Zion National Park, we prepared ourselves S’mores for dessert. And then we did it again a second time, a third time, and again in Lake Powell.


If I am posting this recipe today, it is not because it requires instructions really – there is nothing more basic than doing S’mores, it’s quite intuitive. However, I wanted to share this wonderful experience with you, with this little hope inside of me that it might give you some cravings for nature and outdoor experiences. There is also an indoor version of the recipe (see my Notes below) when it’s too cold to light up a fire outside. Yes, you can make S’mores in your kitchen’s oven. For even more S’more recipes, try my Chocolate & Marshmallows French Toast Roll-ups (with a tutorial video)!

One more thing before we move on to the recipe, please be forgiving with my pictures. I had to take them when it was almost dark outside, as the sunset was as early as 6:30 pm. I don’t master this kind of settings with my camera yet, and I was too eager to take a bite into my S’mores to focus on this technical aspect. In a word, you’ve got here Del’s cooking twist on holidays, and enjoying it fully!


Campfire S’mores

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  • Author: Delphine Fortin
  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Cook Time: 5 mins
  • Total Time: 10 mins
  • Category: Dessert
  • Cuisine: American recipes

This weekend, go for a long walk in the woods, enjoy the beauty of Fall and its amazing red-orange colors, and make some S’mores on a campfire!



  • Graham crackers, broken into squares
  • Hershey’s plain milk chocolate bars
  • Large marshmallows

Equipment needed:

  • Long metal skewers (for roasting the marshmallows)
  • Bonfire, campfire, fire pit*


  1. Take one large graham cracker and break it in half (one for the top, one for the bottom cracker).
  2. Cover one of chocolate cracker halves with chocolate pieces to fit the graham cracker.
  3. Put a marshmallow (or two) on the stick and hold it over the fire until roasted and slightly golden brown.
  4. Take the toasted (still on the stick), and lay it on the side of the graham cracker with the chocolate.
  5. Take the other half of the graham cracker and cover the hot marshmallow, pressing down firmly enough to pull out the stick.
  6. When the S’mores is fully assembled, wrap it in between two large sheets of foil placed on the corner of the campfire to keep warm, while making the remaining ones (it will also help the chocolate to melt a little bit more). Eat it still warm between your fingers, like a sandwich.


* Indoor (kitchen) s’mores – no campfire necessary:
If you do not plan a camping trip, you can make S’mores in your kitchen!
– Preheat the oven to 350F (180C). Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper or aluminium foil.
– Take one large graham cracker, break it in half. Cover one side only with milk chocolate bar. Repeat with as many S’mores you want to make.
– Cover the chocolate with one large marshmallow (or mini marshmallows). Place the cookie sheet in the oven with the door slightly cracked. Boil for about 5-10 minutes, carefully watching them so they don’t burn. When the marshmallows have turned golden brown on the edges, remove the cookie sheet from the oven,
– Place the remaining graham crackers on top, and press gently. Allow to cool for a minute, and serve.

Did you make this recipe?

Lastly, if you make this Campfire S’mores, be sure to leave a comment and give this recipe a rating, letting me know how you liked it. And of course, don’t forget to tag me on Instagram! Thank you and enjoy!

